My latest adventure:

Cross-atlantic voyage
on Bark Europa

5°14'31.9"N 27°04'05.9"W

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About me

Dutch-born in Pakistan with a Swiss passport. Father of 3. Keen telemarker for the past 30 years. Sailor. Woodworker. Explorer of ideas & enabler of collaborations. Engineer by degree. Worked for large companies such as AT&T and HP. Owned 2 restaurants. Co-founded, a web service used by 9M people.

Currently looking to open a CoderDojo in the Geneva area, working part time as an innovation broker, figuring out where to start Take-off, and more generally exploring the use of AI and VR/AR, permaculture, the writings of Krishnamurti, the Tao Te Ching, ...

Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them...



A place where ideas happen

Set-up a place in any large metropolitan area that provides people access to industrial tools and equipment to build their own projects, offer flexible workshop space rentals to artisans, artists & start-ups of all kinds, find multi-displinary people to collaborate with, follow classes and organise events.

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Follow @ipols

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